Monday, 20 February 2012

Scala + Project Euler

Someone at work posted a message to our scala mailgroup asking about the solution to the first problem on Project Euler, which for the uninitiated is a set of increasingly complicated problems designed to provide the reader with some interesting challenges to learn a new language.

The specific question asked was about why a collection based implementation would be slower in scala than java, but raised a couple of interesting points for me. First of all I didn't actually look at the problem, but went straight to the code, and unsurprisingly neither implementations were particularly clear. Another colleague then posted an alternative implementation, and then I went to read the problem description because the solution seemed so simple! So, know the problem you are trying to solve - that's lesson 1.

Part of the reason the original solution was not immediately clear was the use of a getMultiples method, which was using recusion. Nothing wrong with that, as refactoring promotes lots of small methods, but in writing java in scala the author had produced something unclear.

def getMultiples(base: Int, bound: Int, ms: List[Int]) = {
bound match {
case 0 => ms
case _ => getMultiples(base, bound - 1, (base * bound) ++ ms)
def getMultiples(base: Int, bound: Int) =
base until bound by base
I think this is a great illustration of how a higher level language can make a solution much clearer, or really unclear.

And then a better solution:
.filter(i => i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0)
.takeWhile(_ < 1000)
.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)